Pluto - Planetary, Therapeutic, Handmade, Nerabati, Etching, Carving (Mantra / Shree Yantra), Singing Bowl - Extra Small Size

Pluto - Planetary, Therapeutic, Handmade, Nerabati, Etching, Carving (Mantra / Shree Yantra), Singing Bowl - Extra Small Size

Magical Creation Enterprises best selections of planetary singing bowls, gongs, Tingshaws and bells and other sound and vibrational instruments are analyzed in a modern sound & frequency laboratory through custom-made devices designed by IT engineers and experienced sound therapy Masters. All our labeled products are analyzed and measured several times then finally controlled and tested by professional artist, Gong Master, recording studio technician and Planetary Singing Bowl sound Therapy/healing Master Govinda Pd. Tiwari, ("Planetary Singing bowls Master" - given name by Grand Gong master - Don Conreaux), Jean Daniel Ischenschmid and team.

Our products are manufactured in Nepal and tested to ensure the most adequate sound and healing properties and are falling within tight requirements in terms of size, thickness, metal alloy, production period, etc. The analysis of these properties is time-consuming as it takes at least 30 minutes to measure one bowl or gong.

In general, only 30% of all bowls/gongs measured are presenting required sound properties for therapists. The rest (70%) of the bowls having no particular sound properties are sent back to the supplier and destined for local market and tourists.

Our products are sharply effective and bringing positive results when if one knows one knows appropriate way of use, according to different, anatomy, methods, problems and different elements.

We are also providing master classes on Planetary Singing Bowls sound healings/Therapies worldwide on request to use these precise instruments as alternative therapeutic/healing products to get full effect according to ancient natural medicines with connection of universe, associated with astrology.

Our products provide the best choice for professional sound therapists, healers, yoga masters, musicians, Yogis and for individuals as a best souvenir or gifts willing to achieve deeper and complete relaxation, inner harmony and peace which helps to solve most of the problems that one may be facing.

Planet Name: PLUTO
Chakra: Throat
Astrologic Association: Scorpio
Overall Meaning: Pluto rules over generations, learning from each generation to the next. It also rules over history and learning from the past. Pluto's retrograde brings change, with fresh starts and dead ends. During this period, things we hang onto the most can suddenly be taken away causing us to reevaluate what we value most. Change can occur through destruction and rebuilding or rejuvenation and regeneration. Outside forces are at work as well, including government upheaval, weapons and war. Change can often be difficult, and sometimes being forced into change is the only way to push some people forward in life. Learn whom to avoid and trust, don't let to control your emotions by other, learn to trust yourself and other, God of the Underworld and Death, Hades means "the unseen" and Pluto means "wealth."
Key word: Transmutation, integration, sexuality, illumination, transformation, liberation, potential, shadow, death and resurrection, rebirth, and polarity.
Basic Function: Growth and transcendence through conflict. Pluto breaks down the old into its component parts only to reassemble them on a new higher octave. Pluto rules the raising of kundalini, the major driving power of this ongoing process. Transforming power the magic group dynamic principle and is said to be responsible for integration into certain structures of society.

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  • Views: 4728
  • Product Code: SBC-050
  • Availability: 1
  • 35.03€
  • Ex Tax: 35.03€
Name: Pluto - Planetary, Therapeutic, Handmade, Nerabati, Etching, Carving , Singing Bowl
Musical Note: C# (DO#)
Product size: Extra Small
Product net weight: 232 gm, 0.51 pound (app)
Product net diameter: 10.1 cm, 3.98 inch (app)
Product net height: 5.5 cm, 2.17 inch (app)
Product type: Handmade, Nerabati Carving
Design: Mantra / Shree Yantra

Tags: Planetary Singng Bowls, Therapeutic Singing Bowls, Healing Singing Bowls, Tibetan Singing Bowls, Handmade Singing Bowls, Symphonic Singing bowls, Nerabati Singing Bowls, Jambati Singing bowls, Chickenbati Singing bowls, Ultabati Singing Bowls, Antic Singing Bowls, Antique Singing Bowls