KNOTTED FELT CUSHION FOR SINGING BOWLS, to get best sound and Safety for any kinds of Singing Bowls, Meditation Cushion, Kitchen table Cushion (Rainbow Color) - Extra Large size
It is made in different colors, sizes, designs quality etc which is useful for many different propose. It is also used to keep gong mallets more than that a gong master can use this cushion as his special seat.
- Views: 1523
- Brand: MCE®
- Product Code: CUB-KF50-S01
- Availability: 100
- 75.00€
- Ex Tax: 75.00€
Size: Extra Large
Product net weight: 865 gm, 1.90 pound (app)
Product net diameter: 50 cm, 19.6 inch (app)
Product color: Rainbow
Product type: Circle
Gross shipping weight (after packing) will be more than product net weight.
Note: Order of more than 20 pieces of same products or more than 50 kg (net product weight) of all the products together, we consider you as wholesaler. In this situation please email us before you check out. We will provide you special cargo or courier rates and also can manage different colors, sizes, designs, styles etc accoring to your desire within 3-4 weeks.
Tags: Felt cushion, cheapest cushion, Singing bowl cushion to keep singing bowl safely, Flexible seat, Master quality mat, Rainbow color Felt, Door mat, Knotted table cushion
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