Basic Level and Second level Professional Planetary, Therapeutic Singing bowl sound Therapy Tainingon 19th -21st September 2019 In Germany

Basic Level and Second level Professional Planetary, Therapeutic Singing bowl sound Therapy Tainingon 19th -21st  September 2019 In Germany

2019 September 19-21 wants to be a great week for adventure and extra knowledge seekers. You can learn how to heal and cure different bowls, bells, tingshaws, conch and other healing instruments. We invite you to join and profit while there is an opportunity.

       Text Languages: 

• Germany 

• English 

Planetarische Klangschalen erleben

Fortgeschrittenen Kurs (Level 2) für Klangschalentherapie 
Voraussetzung Level 1 oder Basiskurs 

Basiskurs Fr 20.9.19 15-22 Uhr

Seminar Level 2:

2 Tages

Sa.21.9.+ So. 22.9.2019
10-17 Uhr

Basiskurs Fr 20.9.(90.-€/ermäßigt 80. €

Seminar: Kosten:180.-€/ Frühbucher bis 14 Tage vorher + ermäßigt 160.-€

mit Govinda Tiwari. -Auf Englisch, mit Übersetzung.(Mittagspause 1,5 Std.)

Info und Anmeldung: Tel: 07626 / 9744970 Ort: 
Naturheilpraxis Kleinod,

Wollbacherstr.1 (Kreiterhof), 79400 Egerten

Govinda Tiwari ist begeisterter Experte auf dem Gebiet Planetarische Klangschalen und Gongs.

Er hat Ausbildungen aller Art in diesem Bereich absolviert und gibt weltweit Seminare für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene Er bildet erfahrene Klangschalentherapeuten aus.

Er stammt aus Nepal und lebt mit seiner Familie in Lettland (Riga).

In diesem 2 Tagesseminar Level 2 (von insgesamt 3 Levels)

werden die professionellen Grundlagen der Planetarischen Klangschalen (Hertz Therapie, Techniken von Jean- Daniel Isenschmied) weiter vertieft. Es werden spezielle therapeutische Anwendungstechniken vermittelt. Wir arbeiten therapeutisch mit 8-13 Klangschalen Themen sind z.B.:

Aura Reinigung mit Klangschalen um physische, mentale und ätherische Energie zu balancieren. Visionen klärende und das Selbst unterstützende Techniken und Schwingungen, für klare Entscheidungen und bessere mentale Verfassung. Kopf Massage Techniken gegen Migräne, Kopfschmerzen + Anspannung. Techniken um die Energie im Körper zu verteilen, um die Gedanken zu beruhigen und Kopf bezogene Beschwerden und Probleme zu lindern. Rückenprobleme mit Hilfe von Klangschalen behandeln. Therapeutische Anwendungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen.

Plans: PSB Fundamental and Second level course

September - 19th and 21st
Fees: 80 Euro for Fundamental course early booking until 2 weeks before, then 90 Euro
160 Euro for Fundamental course early booking until 2 weeks before, then 180 Euro
Add: Wollbacherstr.1 79400 Kandern Germany
Organizer: Uma Karin Heck and Manfred Lapple
Contact e-mail: [email protected]

1 DAY WORKSHOP PLAN Basic level activities.
• Aura cleaning 'with planetary bowl - physical, mental and pranic energies
• Vision cleaning and self-tuning techniques with planetary bowl - for institutional decisions and better mental condition
• head massage treatment for headaches with planetary bowl - to cure migraine, headache, high temper, to descend energy to the body part, to calm mind and head related troubles.
• Back pain treatment with planetary bowl - to cure lower back pain which is common mundial problem of most people.
• Muladhara (first chakra) balancing technique to boost sexual life and more with 1 Planetary therapeutic bowl.
• 7 bowls of birth and childhood trauma-removing therapy,
• 8 bowls of inner harmony therapy
• 10 bowls of children / youth handling therapy

What benefit do you want from this course?
Himalayan singing bowls (planetary) and normal singing bowls (ornaments).
• You will learn about the planetary properties of Himalayan singing bowls and accessories, their healing properties and connection with the solar and universal system
• Himalayan singing bowls and other instruments for your own benefits.

How can you use acquired knowledge?
You can apply for some kind of techniques to your friends, family, and others.
You can learn techniques in a professional way and start working with clients.

This workshop is Intended

o For Those Who are interested to learn ADVANCE LEVEL HEALING KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE about Himalayan singing bowls, Their amazing healing properties and healing methods (sound / hertz therapy);
o For those who want to advance to basic features of 'sound / hertz therapy';
For those who plan to work professionally in the field of 'sound / hertz therapy' with the use of planetary Himalayan singing bowls.

And more specifically:
How to use and play singing bowls, bells and tingshaws in a correct way;
• The various methods of Sound & Hertz therapy;
How to produce sounds according to bowls and accessories;
• The importance of using these techniques correctly;
• Healing properties AND possible treatments; • Self-practice and practice on each other (group); • Videos of the process of manufacturing singing bowls and current scientific studies; (optional)
• Combination of Mantras with sound and vibration healing (optional);

We are looking for a collaborator and business partner in every country. Please e-mail us if you are interest. Its beneficial for all the parties.

Govinda Pd. Tiwari.

Find the latest updates on our facebook page

If you need Further Information about the teacher, please find in below link: bowls-course / govinda-tiwari-planetary-sound-healing-master

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  • Views: 3833
  • Product Code: PLA-SB-FD-2nd LVL-DE
  • Availability: 18
  • 425.00€
  • Ex Tax: 425.00€
Name: FD and Second Level Planetary Singing bowls Hertz Therapy ® course with Certification by Govinda Tiwari
Level: Fundamental discovery day workshop and 2 days Planetary therapeutic Singing bowls and sound healing training
Duration: 3 days (
Date: 19th and 21st September 2019
Fees: 80 Euro for Fundamental course early booking until 2 weeks before, then 90 Euro
160 Euro for Fundamental course early booking until 2 weeks before, then 180 Euro
Add: Wollbacherstr.1 79400 Kandern Germany
Organizer: Uma Karin Heck and Manfred Lapple
Contact e-mail: [email protected]
This product has a minimum quantity of 10

Tags: Fundamental and Second level Planetary Singing bowls workshop in Germany.